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Auto Accident Checklist

By April 23, 2020February 10th, 2021Insurance

Write or print this accident checklist provided by Progressive. This checklist contains helpful steps to follow if in an accident. Keep it in the glove compartment of your car to know just what to do.

Make sure no one is seriously injured.

Make sure that you, your passengers, and others are involved are OK. If anyone is injured, call an ambulance or get help. If no one is seriously hurt, it’s time to assess the situation.

Make sure you’re safe.

Wherever you are, be sure other vehicles on the roadway can see you. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers on the road. If your car is drivable, move it out of the way of traffic. Then, turn off your car and turn on your hazard lights. If you have safety triangles or cones, use them. Be sure you are safe.

Call the police.

Even if no one was hurt, call the police if other people, cars, or property are involved in the accident. An officer may not make a trip to the scene, but the police do want to know about the accident, especially if it could potentially back up traffic. Plus, reporting the accident can help protect you if there are any issues with others involved.

Get information from other drivers.

Now, exchange information with other people involved in the accident. Be surer to write down necessary contact information for everyone involved, including:
– Name
– Address
– Phone Number
– License Plate Number
– Driver’s License Number
– Insurance Company and Policy Number

Remember that everyone is under a lot of stress after an accident, so that tempers may flare. Try to stay calm and stay out of any arguments. Venting your frustration or responding to angry comments may make you feel better now, but it will not help matters in the long run.

Call your insurance company.

As soon as possible, call your insurance agent or company to report the accident.

Even if it wasn’t your fault, it’s important to let your insurance company know what happened and have your questions answered. Plus, your insurance company can work with other driver’s insurance companies to get you any necessary repairs made as quickly as possible.

Suppose the crash happens in a place where you don’t feel secure; it’s okay to wait until you’re somewhere safe to report your claim. But, try to report the claim as soon as possible to start helping you as quickly as possible.